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Project B1 / 12 holed AC plastic ocarina + 12 holed SSF ocarina + CD

Project B1 / 12 holed AC plastic ocarina + 12 holed SSF ocarina + CD

Focalink engages itself not only to developing various professional ocarinas, but also to making the whole ocarina industry healthier than before by releasing ocarina new songs/ books and supporting small workshops. Their ocarina quality is probably not so stable and good as the one from Focalink, yet it could be fair after our quality check.

Based upon above ideas, we search for fair ones in the markets and set up some promotion projects by creating BUNDLE model with Focalink ocarina and theirs.

Here is the Project B by combining Focalink 12 holed plastic Alto C ocarina with 12 holed super Soprano F one from small workshop and CD of Mr. Liu Yung Tai.

International orders are welcome.


$ USD 50.00
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